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Gut Atlas

Cover Design & Illustration

I was tasked to design a cover for a book of poems called "Gut Atlas." It was fortunate that the publisher gave me full creative freedom regarding the visuals for the cover. It was both liberating and challenging to be given absolute freedom in design. First and foremost is of course is the challenge of figuring out the actual content of the cover. In one of my discussions with Ken Ishikawa, the author, he shared that as a young poet he aimed to write "the poem that would destroy the world." It was something inspired by the late Cirilo Bautista. He said that  every writer must aim for the kind of work that will destroy the world as it is in the  reader's mind. This thought pretty much directed the content of the cover.

"I don't like this city and I'm pretty sure it doesn't like a third-world bumpkin like me. But if all things started out with love, we'll have no stories to tell. Only Porn."

- Ken Ishikawa (2019)

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